With everyone speaking about cloud and talking about developing applications, sometimes it is confusing to identify if our application really needs to be on the cloud.
If you are an ISV, the answer may be relatively simpler (of course after reading my previous blog :-) )
If you are looking to develop an application to solve a Business problem or if you are looking to automate any of your business process, the first thing that comes to our mind as of today is, should be develop this on the cloud or are we fine keeping the software on premise.
The purpose of this blog is to provide ten most common scenarios where it may be wise to use the Cloud computing to develop the applications. Please note that these are NOT THE ONLY scenarios for exploiting the cloud platforms. The benefits of cost & maintainability do not form the part of this discussion.
1) SaaS offering
As mentioned in my previous blog, if you are an ISV, then you may want to offer your product as a SaaS rather than selling it as an on premise application. There are various business & technical benefits in doing so, but this is a complete chapter in itself. Developing a SaaS based application from ground up, or building it using a PaaS is again a different discussion. But surely a SaaS is a cloud offering in itself or / and may be build using a PaaS which is also a cloud offering.
2) Scalable Web Application
If you have a very large web application for your enterprise or planning to develop one or if you have an e-commerce site and it needs to be highly scalable (as scalable as a SaaS application), this can be an ideal candidate for going cloud using a PaaS. PaaS provides flexibility of provisioning for spikes in user load. It provides a cost effective way of using more servers and load balance during load and can get back to minimum configuration when the load goes down. Moreover because PaaS or for that matter even IaaS is offered on pay per use basis, it saves a lot of maintenance as well as operational cost.
3) Dynamic requirement of resources
If you have a requirement for large number of resources and the need for the same is highly dynamic, then the best option would be to accomplish the same using a IaaS. E.g. Assume there is a need is to build a data replication tool and lets assume you may want to test the tool to ensure that data is replicated smoothly across 100 servers. A huge amount of investment has to be made to buy a 100 servers and if you are not able to justify the spend or having a 100% utilisation of each one of them, then its a huge hit on the expense. You may opt to have 10 physical servers and create 10 each virtual machines on them, but again as long as there is a very large business benefit, doing so would not be ideal. Using a IaaS like the Amazon EC2, it is extremely easy and cost effective to hire as many server instances as possible. The same can be released if not required and thereby saving money on resources not utilised. Another similar likely scenario – To perform a physical load-test of an application with 10,000+ users on the portal and would like to gradually increase the load to know the breaking points of the system.
As you may recollect, there are many obvious advantages of using IaaS – no upfront investment, Pay per use, Ready to go server instances, on demand scalable model and many more.
4) High processor intensive application
Assume a requirement of an application that requires High end computing power to likes of 8 CORE processors with 32 GB RAM to run the CPU intensive calculations and it is estimated to have 20+ such servers to accommodate the desired throughput.
The same can be easily accommodated using IaaS as well as PaaS and all the benefits of going the cloud route like the no upfront investment and pay on demand model help us achieve the ultimate goal rather than going for a large upfront capital investment. Cloud is very useful in scenarios where time to market is one of the key requirement. Recently Microsoft showcased Pixar’s application called “Renderman” uses cloud to get the best benefit. Similar application requirements which need extremely high processing power can go cloud way either through IaaS or PaaS.
5) Provide a centralised high volume (yet highly secure) Data access
Application Storage Needs for applications to the likes of On-Demand Training Platform of a company are increasing significantly day by day. The storage requirements are already in Several Terabytes (TB) (1 TB = 1024 GB) and growing at the rate of 100 GB/month. There is a need to have scalable storage solution at the same time stay close to the cost. A PaaS would be ideal in this case as it will save on a very high upfront investment on servers and maintainability, provide a very high scalability and also a guaranteed reliability,
6) Hybrid Applications
If there is a need to provide an application which has a on-premise version of the software as well as a web version of the same and both need to share the same data source, then hosting the database for such hybrid applications on the cloud is an ideal option. Both types of front-ends can be in sync and there is a huge save on the money spent on the infrastructure to accommodate connectivity from anywhere.
7) Central Data Repository
Similar to the previous type of application, if there is an application (on-premise or web) deployed and used by thousands of users from across the globe (may be from many different branches of a very large multi-national company), then having the database at a central repository makes sense. Although the same functionality can be achieved by hosting the database server on a secured local intranet and making it available for all the branches to connect, this requires a complex infrastructure setup and a huge investment which may or may not be the best option. Instead, having the database deployed on the cloud using either IaaS or PaaS may be a viable option.
8) Temporary requirement of Datacentre space
Most datacentres do not have a business model by which they provide server space on a need basis or on a temporary basis. Ideally they would want us to provide a minimum 6 month or in many cases a 1 year commitment to use their space so that they have a return on their investment. If your situation demands that you may want to use a datacentre only on a need basis and that too for a period of 1-2 months at a stretch or it is unpredictable, going the IaaS is the best option. IaaS providers like Amazon provides a flexible and cost effective mechanism to configure, host and release the server resources on a need basis.
9) Experimental Applications
If you have an idea to build a SaaS application (or would like to test the waters of building a SaaS version of your existing on-premise software, you may not want to put a high upfront investment if you are not sure of it’s success or failure. Using PaaS to develop your SaaS application idea or prototype provides a very high level of flexibility and safety to ensure you have a strong Business case to go back to your management to build a full blown SaaS application.
10) Freeware
If you are into building Freeware, you may want to keep your cost as low as possible, since the most likely scenario for building your brand would be only after there are too many (happy) users of your product. Keeping the cost low till the time would be key to success for your business. Building your application and / or hosting the same at a PaaS provider or an IaaS provider gives you a minimum till you sense the light of success.
The idea of this blog is to give people some food for thought about whether to build an application the conventional way or to build it for / on the cloud and there are too many reasons to go for it or even to go against it for each of the above types of application. But in most scenarios mentioned above, going the cloud way is surely a potential option.